Red Russian Garlic at Sitka Farm Garlic Seed Oliver, BC, Canada

Sitka Farm, Oliver, BC, Canada
Garlic Seed & Table Garlic

Kathy and Mark McMillan, 265 Sitka Road, Oliver, BC, Canada

Email: Sitka Farm Garlic or Phone: 250-395-0960

Also the home of:

and the Spirit of the West Support Crew Cruise Diaries
2022,   2023,   2024



At The Farm

Map & Directions  


Our garlic is all grown naturally! We left our ranch in the South Cariboo, where we produced naturally grown beef, as well as a lot of garden produce, and are now semi retired on a few acres in Oliver, BC, in the South Okanagan. Here we'll continue with good quality, naturally grown, Garlic, both for use in the kitchen, and as seed for the garden. We'll sell the garlic in small quantities or in bulk.
See the Garlic page for prices and availability.

Latest News   July 25th

Yugoslavian and Red Russian Garlic is ready for seed and kitchen. See the Garlic page.
It's cured and we're taking orders!

Our 2025 cruise is a 14 Circle the Carribean Cruise! Join us in February 2025 ... see details here!

See our diary from 2024. See it here!

  Russian Red Garlic at Sitka Farm Garlic Seed Oliver, BC, Canada

See our annual holiday diaries here: 2022,   2023,   2024

Sitka Farm, Kathy & Mark McMillan, 265 Sitka Road, Oliver, BC, Canada, V0H 1T7

Email: Sitka Farm Garlic or Phone: 250-395-0960

See our other business website: